After becoming a Knight in the Traditional Council (Third Degree), Knights are eligible to receive their Fourth Degree, the primary purpose of which is to foster the spirit of patriotism and encourage active Catholic citizenship. Fourth Degree members, in addition to being members of their individual councils, are members of Fourth-Degree assemblies which typically comprise members of several councils. The Mychal F Judge Assembly 3198 is an independent assembly associated only with the Cardinal Bernardin Council 12263 at St. Gregory The Great Parish, Bluffton SC. An Assembly is also sometimes known as the patriotic or visible arm of the Knights.
Color Corps
Fourth Degree Knights may optionally purchase and wear the full regalia and join an assembly’s Color Corps. The Color Corps is the most visible arm of the Knights, as they are often seen in parades and other local events wearing their regalia.
Our Assembly regularly participates in our local community’s patriotic events. We place American flags on the graves of deceased American veterans along with other members of the community at the Beaufort Memorial Cemetery on Memorial Day. We have adopted a small group of disabled veterans residing in an assisted living facility that we regularly visit and take out for a days’ activity. We appear in local parades and other local events in full regalia. Assembly 3198 is a vital part of our community.