Assembly 3198 Presents Certificate of Appreciation
to Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office
Chief Deputy Michael M. Hatfield from the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office accepted
Assembly 3198’s Certificate of Appreciation from Faithful Navigator SK Sam Corona and Faithful Admiral SK Len Stregles on October 1.
Assembly Presents New American Flag to
Pope St. John Paul II High School
On September 18, Faithful Navigator SK Sam Corona, SK Carmine Puma, and SK Jim Woehlke (not shown) present
a new American flag to Pope St. John Paul II High School at a school-wide assembly. The Scouts raised the new flag.
Assembly Presents Certificates of
Appreciation to Local First Responders
Faithful Navigator SK Sam Corona (red shirt) and SK Bill Bauer (blue shirt) present Certificates of Appreciation
to Bluffton area first-responders serving the Bluffton and other Beaufort County/Jasper County communities.
SGG Celebrates Fr. Pedro’s Silver Anniversary
and Knights Join the Feast
Knights of Columbus Council 12263 and Assembly 3198 salute Fr. Pedro Gomez, who recently celebrated
the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. On July 28, St. Gregory the Great Parish and
St. Anthony Mission Church honored him for his outstanding six years of service in SC, two years’ service in Columbia
and 27 years’ mission service in Cambodia.
Assembly Honor Guard Processes with Cardinal Coutts
St. Gregory the Great Parish hosted Cardinal Joseph Coutts, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus
of Karachi, Pakistan on July 3 and Assembly 3198’s Honor Guard stood guard.
2024-2025 Assembly Officers Installed
The 2024-2025 Assembly Officers were installed on June 18. In the center with the beret is the Marshall for the installation, From Left to Right to the left of the Marshall, are Jim Woehlke (Faithful Pilot), Deacon Mike Smigelski (Faithful Spiritual Advisor), Tom Kreutzer (Faithful Scribe), Mike Casalvieri (Faithful Trustee), and Dan Pennings (Faithful Captain). On the right of the Marshall are Sam Corona (Faithful Navigator), Phil Pescarino (Faithful Trustee) in front and Len Stregles (Faithful Admiral) in rear, Paul Docka (Faithful Purser) in front, Jim Cawley (Faithful Inner Sentinel) in rear, Bill Weyeneth (Faithful Outer Sentinel), and Lew Guiler (Faithful Trustee).
Sir Knight Deacon Mike Smigelski
Awarded Special Appreciation
SK Deacon Mike Smigelski (L) received a Certificate of Appreciation from Faithful Navigator SK Len Stregles
for efforts coordinating the Veteran Remembrance event at Bloom Retirement home.
May Victory House Bar-B-Q
On May 22, the Assembly’s Sir Knights were joined by their Council brothers
to prepare and serve a Bar-B-Q lunch for the veterans at the Victory House
assisted living facility in Walterboro.
Assembly Sir Knights Recognize
Vets at Bloom
Assembly Sir Knights on visit to Bloom at Hilton Head assisted-living center. From L – R: Deacon Mike Smigelski,
Faithful Navigator Len Stregles, Ollie Dinsmore, Sam Corona, Vince Taylor, Dan Pennings, Lew Guiler, and Carmine Puma.
Left: Len Stregles visits with centenarian SK Frank Varga. Right: Lew Guiler presents SK Varga with certificate.
Certificates are presented by (L-R) Vince Taylor, along with Len Stregles and Lew Guiler; Ollie Dinsmore; and
Len Stregles with Deacon Mike.
David Hahn Honored
On January 16, Faithful Navigator Len Stregles awarded SK David Hahn
a Certificate of Special Recognition for his efforts in organizing the
October 11, 2023 Bar-B-Q for the vets at the Victory House in Walterboro.
Presentation of Assembly 3198 Gift to OPFOB
FN Len Stregles, USN (Ret.) presented a charitable donation of $1,000 to LTC Jimmy Banton, USMC (Ret.), Executive Director of Operation Patriots Forward Operating Base (OPFOB), at their Saturday camaraderie breakfast. OPFOB is dedicated to helping Veterans struggling with PTSD after returning home and transitioning back into civilian life. OPFOB offers Vets the ability to participate in multiple outdoor sporting activities on a 268 acre preserve with like minded Vets dealing with stress and anxiety issues and to share their stories.
Assembly 3198 and SGG Catholic School
Recognize Veterans During Catholic Schools Week
Veterans, Military, and First Responders. The Knights pictured include (L-R) SK Jim Woehlke, SK Sam Corona, Matt Reilly, Jim Hayes, SK Len Stregles,
and SK Mike Casalvieri. SK Ollie Dinsmore was also in attendance. Pictured with the Knights is SGG Catholic School Principal Mrs. Beth Kelley.