Assembly 3198 Hosts 4th-Degree Exemplification for Entire Region
Over Thirty New Sir Knights Exemplified
In a rare Low Country 4th-Degree Exemplification and the first conducted in Spanish, over 30 brothers became Sir Knights on February 8. The ceremony began with a procession and Mass celebrated by Fr. Santiago. The exemplification was conducted in the St. Gregory the Great Parish Life Center, followed by a luncheon for the new Sir Knights and their families.
Thirteen New Sir Knights Join Assembly 3198
Thirteen of the new sir knights exemplified at St. Gregory the Great on February 8 were from Assembly 3198. They are**
Assembly Recognizes the Patriotic Example
Of St. Gregory the Great Catholic School Teachers and Staff

Faithful Navigator SK Sam Corona (far right) and SK Vince Taylor presented a certificate recognizing the patriotic example and leadership
of the teachers and staff of St. Gregory the Great Catholic School following a school-wide Mass on February 7.
Assembly Presents Patriotism Awards to Three JPII Teachers
Past Faithful Navigator and current Council Grand Knight SK Len Stregles, Faithful Navigator SK Sam Corona and SKs Jim Woehlke and Vince Taylor
presented certificates honoring three veteran teachers for their patriotic example for and leadership of John Paul II High School
students following the 10:20 Mass at the school on February 5. Shown above are (L to R): Principal Heather Rembold, Past Faithful Navigator Len Stregles,
Victor Ney, SK Jim Woehlke, Donna Wermann, Luke Schatzie, SK Vince Taylor, and Faithful Navigator Sam Corona.