January Potluck

Martin explained the funeral planning process including pre-paid funerals, embalming options, cremation and body transport for out of state funeral.
Knight of the Month for January

New 3rd Degree Knights

February Potluck headlined Father Diego

The Knights kick off the Lenten season with the Fish Fry

The Knights Adopt a Highway Program

The Knights each month gather as a group of two to clean pick-up trash on Pinckney Colony Road between Highway 278 and St. Anthony’s Hall. It’s our way of being a good neighbor to the community around us.
April Potluck with Guest Speaker Stephenie Price Bluffton Chief of Police

Mario makes Knight of the Month

May Exemplification

Our Council is growing! 5 men decide to become Knights. They are (L to R): Father Diego, Tom Anderson, Dan Remis, Gerardo Calandriello, and Ed Mokos. Congratulations men and welcome to the Knighthood!
Our Annual Living Rosary

May Potluck – Supporting our Charities

The Knights have a BBQ Picnic

diligence in the annual Golf Tournament. This year’s Golf
Tournament was a huge success due to the hard work of Phil
and his team.

Family of the Year award for their countless hours devoted to
Mercy Mission and the church as they are both Eucharistic Ministers.
Good food and games were provided for the Knights and their families for the hard work and sacrifice they gave for the Council.
Knights aid Bluffton Self-Help

GK Michael Casalvieri presenting a donation check to Bluffton Self Help (BSH) Development Manager Jennifer Wallace for the Teacher Supplies Drive. BSH helps provide school supplies to teachers in 10 public schools located in Bluffton.
SK Dan Pennings is July Knight of the Month

SK Sam Corona is Knight of the Month

Grand Knight Mike Casalvieri congratulates SK Sam Corona on being recognized as Knight of the Month for September. Since transferring in to our Council, Sam has been a very active member both as a Volunteer at many of our events and as an Assembly Officer. He has brought some good suggestions to the Council including the NFL Raffle Book fundraiser and the generic Council business card that any member can use to help recruit new members.
September Potluck supporting

A donation check was presented to the Pregnancy Center of the Low Country from Council 12263 at our recent Pot Luck Dinner. Pictured L-R is Sam Corona (Life Director), Mike Casalvieri (Grand Knight), Joanne Nattrass (Exec. Dir PCLC) and Joe Krygiel (Dir PCLC).

Joanne Nattrass, Executive Director of the Pregnancy Center of the Low Country, explains to attendees at the Pot Luck Dinner all the pre & post natal services that are available through this Pro-Life organization.

Over 50 people attended the SGG Potluck Dinner held at St. Andrew Hall. Representatives from the Pregnancy Center of the Low Country were the guest speakers and they gave a very informative overview of the many pre & post natal services that are offered through the PCLC.
A Significant September Donation

October Starts With the Beaufort Life Chain

Two Share Knight of the Year

The kitchen doesn’t work without them, and it’s always good food!
At the October Meeting, We Welcomed Four New Third Degree Knights.

JAMES ZALACA and PAUL PARIS did not attend.
October Potluck
Guest speakers from our local Beaufort County First Responders include pictured (L-R) Firefighters Andrew & Ben, EMS Training Officer Karen Morris, KOC Council Lecturer SK Dan Pennings and Sheriff Staff Sergeant Daniel Allen. Each speaker provided an informative overview of what support services their department provides to local residents.
November Brings Recognition
SK Zach Cawley received a Special Achievement Award from GK Mike Casalvieri for his results as a participant in the North America Special Olympics Tennis Nationals tournament held recently on Hilton Head Island. Players from all around the US, Bermuda and Costa Rica participated. Zach won two Gold Medals for his Singles (3-0 record) and Doubles (2-0 record) match results.
SK Dan Doherty receives his KOM certificate from GK Mike Casalvieri. Dan personally assembled over 550 white crosses that were distributed after masses in September and early December. He raised over $1,400 in donations from SGG parishioners.
Veterans Day 2022
Brother Knights celebrating Veterans Day
Hispanic 3rd Degree Exemplification
On December 11, 2022 a 3rd Degree Exemplification was held for 17 Hispanic candidates at SGG Parish. Pictured above are the candidates, the Spanish Degree Team, District Deputy, Council Grand Knight and other Officers and members. Not pictured but in attendance was the State Deputy Paul Burchell.
Wreaths Across America
From Left to Right, SK Ollie Dinsmore, SK David Hahn, SK Len Stregles, Gene Biz, SK Steve Tomko, and SK John McAndris laid wreaths at the Beaufort National Cemetery on December 17th.