Knights helping Scouts – February

The Council recently donated $200 to the Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts who built a fire pit at St. Andrews Hall. It’s an honor for the Knights to help the young men in this way.

Our Annual Living Rosary

Our Annual Living Rosary to honor Our Blessed Mother was held on Sunday, May 30 at 3:00 p.m. on the church campus grounds. Parishioners were invited to join the Knights of Columbus Honoring Mary, Queen of the Knights by participating in the Living Rosary of Our Blessed Mother.
The Silver Rose
On 06/09/21, the Knights of Columbus partnered with the Hispanic Roundtable to pay tribute to the Lady of Guadalupe through the Silver Rose Program. The Silver Rose has a long tradition that dates back to 1960 and was started by a group of young men in the Knights of Columbus Council 2312 in Monterrey, Mexico. The Silver Rose program was started to commemorate Juan Diego and the miracle of roses, an important part of the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe. For more detailed information on the Silver Rose visit: Faith in Action
Installation of Officers on 06/15/21
Grand Knight Chris Bond recognizes Knights for special achievement
Past Grand Knights Dan Doherty and Chris Bond accepted awards for their service in the Grand Knight position.
Grand Knight David Hahn recognizes District Deputy Ed Kamenski for his service and support as District Deputy.
Grand Knight Chris Bond recognizes Jim Kulach as the “Knight of the Year” for his service at the beginning of the year to develop an internal fundraising campaign that raised over $10,000.
Installation Dinner 6/14/2021
The Knights and Sir Knights found fellowship in the Parish Life Center following the Installation of Officers and Award Ceremony. Prime Rib was on the menu catered by Dick Bachner and Ollie Dinsmore, but the treat of the evening was to see our fellow Knights and their wives without masks.
July Meeting – First meeting back from Zoom

After so many months of conducting Zoom meetings due to COVID, the Council was glad to be back at Andrews Hall to conduct face to face meetings again. We saw so many new faces and transfers eager to get started with serving the Council. Dick Bachner and Ollie Dinsmore again worked their magic in the kitchen to provide a great meal for all who attended.
August 2021
A trophy case was presented to SGG Elementary School. This was a joint project shared between Knight of Columbus Council 12263 and the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Shown in the picture are Frank Thomas and Dave Cullen (AOH), Beth Kelley, School Principal and Dan Doherty representing the Knights of Columbus.
Pot Luck Dinners are back in full Swing!