Knights Assist with Christmas Decorations
Council brothers join the crew to decorate St. Gregory the Great Church for Christmas on December 20.
The crew included (from L to R) Steve Loehlein, Jim Woehlke, Dick Bachner, Bill Johnson, Rob Lang, Len Stregles, Dan Kreshak, Kevin Bristow.
Council Presents “Keep Christ in Christmas” Poster Awards
Council awards in the “Keep Christ in Christmas” poster contest winners and honorable mentions
from the St Gregory the Great Catholic School (above) and Parish Religious Education program (below). The participating Knights are (above L to R)
Kevin Maggio, Deputy Grand Knight Sam Corona, Ron Furbish, Gene Biz, Matt Reilly, and Jim Woehlke.
Council Contributes Pumpkin Pie to
Catholics for the Common Good
On November 9, the Council delivered100 pumpkin pie slices to assist with
the effort by Catholics for the Common Good to deliver 100 meals to the homeless at Mery Mission.
Council and Assembly Provide BBQ
to Vets at Victory House
Cooks and servers providing Bar-B-Q lunch to over 200 veterans and staff at the
Veterans Victory House Nursing Home in Walterboro, SC, on November 6.
Past Grand Knight SK Steve Loehlein
Receives Special Recognition
Past Grand Knight SK Steve Loehlein receives special recognition plaque from Grand Knight Len Stregles
for Steve’s leadership while 2023-2024 Grand Knight and the current year.
Sir Knight Zach Cawley Wins Gold
at Special Olympics
At the Special Olympics North America (SONA) annual national tournament this year held on Hilton Head Island, SK Zach Cawley won two gold medals, one each for singles tennis (pictured below left) and doubles (pictured with his partner below right). He was undefeated in both categories. Pictured above, Zach displays his “Outstanding Sportsmanship” award. The Outstanding Sportsmanship award was based on feedback from coaches and officials, recognizing his sportsmanship and compassion for all others at the event.
Assembly Honor Guard Serves at
October 9 Council Mass of Remembrance
Council 12263 and Assembly 3198 worshiped at the October 9 Mass of Remembrance honoring deceased brother knights and sir knights. The Assembly’s honor guard was led by Commander SK Richard Bachner (top left). Deacon Brent Heathcott (bottom middle) preached the homily. In addition to Commander Bachner, other Sir Knights participating in the Honor Guard were: Assembly Faithful Navigator Sam Corona, Council Grand Knight Len Stregles, David Hahn, Lew Guiler, Dan Pennings, Vince Taylor, John McAndris, Paul Docka, Michael Casalvieri, and Steve Loehlein.
Family Promise’s Jack Rabbit Addressed
September Potluck Dinner
Grand Knight Len Stregles introduced Jack Rabbit, the parish’s liaison with Family Promise of Beaufort County,
to those attending the September Potluck Dinner. Jack reviewed the activities of Family Promise,
which provides shelter and counselling for families finding themselves temporarily homeless.
Learn more about Family Promise at
SK Jim Woehlke Honored with
Knight of the Month Certificate in September
Grand Knight Len Stregles awards SK Jim Woehlke a Certificate of Appreciation
for his efforts on behalf of the Council and Parish.
Knights Help out with SGG School and
Religious Education “Families Feast Day”
Dishing out tasty hot dogs at the September 1 “Families Feast Day”
offered by SGG School and Religious Education Program were (L to R)
Len and Susan Stregles, Sam and JoAnna Corona, and Donna and Ron Furbish.
Handing out taco tickets for the event were brothers Conor Imhoff and Jim Woehlke.
Hispanic Exemplification Yields Five New Brothers
Five new Knights of Columbus were exemplified on August 29.
The new brothers were flanked by nearly 20 Council members,
including the Council’s Hispanic Roundtable members.
Check for St. Andrews Kitchen
Grand Knight Len Stregles presents a $1,000 check to Mary Jane Solomon for St. Andrews Kitchen.
St. Andrew Kitchen prepares and delivers hot, nutritionally balanced meals to those who are hungry in our community.
Volunteers from SGG Parish gather at St. Andrews Hall to help combat the raging hunger that exists in our area.
Approximately 100 individual meals are delivered to the homeless in the Hardeeville, SC, area through Mercy Mission.
Brother Knight Fred Schmitz Donates Fatima Chalice
Left: Grand Knight SK Len Stregles receives gift of Fatima Chalice from Brother Fred Schmitz. Right: SK Dick Bauer and his daughter Dawn accompanied Len in receiving the gift. The chalice will be presented to SGG Pastor Msgr. Ronald Cellini.
SGG Celebrates Fr. Pedro’s Silver Anniversary
and Knights Join the Feast
Knights of Columbus Council 12263 and Assembly 3198 salute Fr. Pedro Gomez, who recently celebrated
the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. On July 28, St. Gregory the Great Parish and
St. Anthony Mission Church honored him for his outstanding six years of service in SC, two years’ service in Columbia
and 27 years’ mission service in Cambodia.
Awards Presented at Annual Council Picnic on June 22
Grand Knight Steve Loehlein (R) awards the Council Family of the Year award to SK Dick and Margaret Bachner.
Dick is a past Council Grand Knight, District Deputy, and Assembly Faithful Navigator. He currently heads the Council’s Degree Team and
is the Assembly’s Color Guard Corp Commander. Dick is a leader of the kitchen crew for the Council’s Spaghetti Dinners,
Fish Frys (which he began 16 years ago) and other Council and parish events. Margaret volunteers as greeter and ticket seller at Council events.
For the Parish, Dick serves as a greeter at Masses. Both Dick and Margaret serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion,
ushers, and lectors. Margaret also serves as a Mass Coordinator and volunteers as a parish office receptionist.
Dick started and ran the soup kitchen now known as St. Andrew’s Kitchen which serves 100 Hot meals to homeless each week.
Over the years, although being well into retirement age, Dick has served as the Athletic Director of John Paull II High School,
set up and taught physical education at St. Gregory Elementary School (2 years as unpaid).
Margaret volunteered as the school nurse at John Paul II for 1-1/2 years and ran the science lab at St. Gregory School for 3 years.
Left: Grand Knight Steve Loehlein (L) awards to SK Jack Menzie a Certificate of Appreciation and Accomplishment for Outstanding Leadership.
Jack chaired the golf tournament planning committee, which raised over $20,000 for council charitable donations
Right: Steve Loehlein awards the Council’s Knight of the Year Award to SK David Hahn in recognition of his parish work coordinating ushers and his
Council work as Program Director, Faith Director, Spaghetti Dinner chair, Fish Fry chair, and mentor to the Hispanic Roundtable.
In addition, David organized the first cookout for veterans at the Victory House in Walterboro, SC.
June 4 Council Exemplification
The Council exemplified six new brother knights on June 4. From L to R, they are Kevin Maggio, Joseph Dechristofaro,
Joe Borocz, Kevin Bristow, John Sudol, Juan Serrano.
Council Gives out Fraternal Year-end Donations
At the well-attended May 28 Potluck Dinner, the Council presented checks to Special Olympics, PEP, and Heroes on Horseback.
Council Brothers Rebuild St. Andrews Fence
The Council’s Facilities Projects Team rebuilds the St. Andrews fence running along Pickney Colony Road.
From L to R are Walt Bryson, Chris Bond, Ollie Dinsmore, and a repeat of Ollie and Walt. Not pictured, but also participating, was Tom Kreutzer.
Free-throw Contest Winners
During April and early May, the Council sponsored separate free-throw contests for both the SGG School
and the SGG Parish Religious Education program sixth and seventh graders.
The winners (L-R) are Capers Crosby, Audrey Bowler, John Robert Pickney, Soffi Garcia-Aguilar.
The athletes are backed up by Sir Knights Jim Woehlke, Sam Corona, and Steve Loehlein.
Council Welcomes Eight New Brothers
On April 9th, Council 12263 welcomed eight new 3rd Degree Brother Knights of Columbus at SGG Parish.
Pictured L-R are Jim Napolillo, Juan Barajas, Richard Capararo, Jom Jose, Charles Cobb, and Lee Pirkey.
Louis Fasano & Henry Tobar completed their exemplification on-line.
Brother Sir Knight Jim Cawley Honored
On January 16, Brother Sir Knight Jim Cawley was recognized as the December 2023 the Knight of the Month.
Council 12263 Participates in
2024 Proudly Pro-Life Weekend
(L to R) Jim Woehlke, Anne and Dan Norris attended January 5 Proudly Pro-Life Annual Dinner.
Hundreds of pro-lifers, including many Knights of Columbus Councils march to the SC capitol building on January 6.
Pro-life marchers rallied outside the SC Capitol joined by Anne Norris, Jim Woehlke and Conor Imhoff from Council 12263.