Knights Stories (Council 12263) – 2025

Grand Knight Presents February Awards
to John Sudol, Gene Biz, and Ron Furbish

Grand Knight Len Stregles presents special recognition certificate to John Sudol for
for his outstanding performance hosting Council monthly dinners this fraternal year.

Grand Knight Len Stregles awards the January and February Knight-of-the-Month certificates to
Membership Director Gene Biz (left) and Adopt-a-Highway Chair Ron Furbish
for their persistently successful efforts.


Council Exemplifies Three New Knights

On February 11, the Council exemplified three new brothers. From Left to right above are
Grand Knight Len Stregles, new brothers Alan Depew, Steve Okolita, and Lawrence Wells, and Exemplification Team Captain Dick Bachner.


Grand Knight SK Len Stregles Presents Certificates to
Citizenship Essay Contest Winners and Honorable Mentions

On February 5, Grand Knight Len Stregles presented the Citizenship Essay Contest awards
with Deputy Grand Knight Sam Corona and brothers Jim Woehlke and Vince Taylor following the 10:20 AM school-wide
Mass at John Paul II High School.


SK Chris Bond Awarded January Knight of the Month

SK Chris Bond (left) received the Knight of the Month Award from November for his work constructing and installing the new
display case (shown in background) for the awards received by Council 12263 throughout the years. Chris noted
he was accepting on behalf of those who worked with him on the project: John Patrino and Walt Bryson.


DGK SK Sam Corona Presented with
Certificate of Appreciation

At the January Council Meeting, Grand Knight SK Len Stregles presented Deputy Grand Knight
SK Sam Corona with a Certificate of Appreciation for his many, creative contributions to the Council.