Grand Knight Dan Doherty presented John McAndriswith the Knight of the Month Award for the month of February 2020.
Pot Luck (02/25/2020)
St. Gregory The Great Music Director Dr. Pamela Kane and the Parish Bell Choir entertained us at our Council’s Pot Luck Dinner in February.
2020 Scholarship Winners
Knights of Columbus Council 12263 Grand Knight Dan Doherty and Scholarship Chair David Hahn presented Academic Scholar-ships to each of three members of the graduating class of 2020 at John Paul II High School.
Left to Right
Renee Delgato University of South Carolina
Gianna Torinesse University of South Carolina
Noah Brock Emery Riddle Aeronautical University
KofC Rosary Coast-to-Coast (10/11/2020)
On October 11th the Knights of Columbus sponsored an outdoor rosary in conjunction with the Rosary Coast to Coast 2020 National Rally. The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary were celebrated across the US and in 50 countries around the world. Approximately 70 people joined Monsignor Celini, The Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius and the Knights of Columbus to pray for the Sanctity of Life and the Sanctity of Marriage and Family.
Knights of Columbus Turkey donations (12/7/2020)
Knights Frank Muniz, Dan Doherty, Grand Knight Chris Bond, Tom Amaglini (the manager at Sam’s club who donated the turkeys).
Turkeys in the freezer at Mercy Mission. We distributed 50 turkeys, 25 went to Mercy Mission and 25 went to the Franciscan Center.