FN Mike Casalvieri & FC Bill Hornbostel share a “limited edition” lithographic picture of Fr Mychal E Judge, OFM with Msgr Ronald Cellini. The picture was received at the St Francis Thrift Shop on Hilton Head from an unanimous donor and given to Assembly 3198.
Select sub-menu from Assembly 3198 >> Knight Stories above.
Living Rosary to the Blessed Mother Mary
Our fellow Knights participating in the Living Rosary outside the church. SK Steve Tomko has been organizing the Living Rosary for many years. Thanks for your service Steve!
FN Visits Legacy Oaks Preserve
FN SK Michael Casalvieri visited the Legacy Oaks Preserve in Ridgeland SC and received a tour of the 268 acre grounds which is home to the Operation Patriots FOB organization which creates outdoor recreational peer-to-peer experiences for Combat Veterans which help to provide them with a brighter outlook on their future . Mike presented a $500 donation check to Co-Founder Roy Brown (JR) and Treasurer Craig Ostergard.
Officer Installation
Faithful Navigator Michael Casalvieri giving opening remarks.
The 2022 Assembly Officers
FN Michael Casalvieri and his wife Lynne with Father Diego and District Marshall Gonz’s wife, Armi.
The Kitchen crew finally takes a break. Thanks for all your hard work guys!
We help those who need our help.
Great Job Sam, and thank you to all who donated to this great cause!