On February 29, 2020, Faithful Captain Peter Watson accompanied Brother Knights Jim Cawley and Zach Cawley to the 4th Degree Exemplification in Lexington, SC. This was the 81st 4th Degree Exemplification in South Carolina. 2020 also marks the 120th anniversary of the first 4th degree exemplification in New York City on February 22, 1900. The day started with Mass, followed by the Exemplification and then a celebratory banquet at Lexington Country Club. A good day was had by all and I welcome Jim & Zach as our newest Sir Knights.
KofC Rosary Coast-to-Coast (10/11/2020)
On October 11th the Knights of Columbus sponsored an outdoor rosary in conjunction with the Rosary Coast to Coast 2020 National Rally. The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary were celebrated across the US and in 50 countries around the world. Approximately 70 people joined Monsignor Celini, The Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius and the Knights of Columbus to pray for the Sanctity of Life and the Sanctity of Marriage and Family.